Pieve of Saint Andrew

Pieve of Saint Andrew in Sommacampagna

is part of the diocese of Verona, in 1145 it was included in the list of parishes of the papal bull “Piæ postulationis” Eugene III, his jurisdiction extended from Verona to Lake Garda.

The building has a basilica plant with three naves each ending with an apse, different from each other, the central one is externally decorated with hanging arches; the aisles are separated by columns and pillars with a rectangular base. Outside the walls, made with cobblestone and brick, they were to be plastered and the façade follows the course of the aisles, with the raised central area. The construction of the pieve of Saint Andrew should refer at least the early Middle Ages, about fifth century, the rise of the central nave is dated between the end of the tenth and twelfth centuries, according to the academics; inside there are several frescoes from different periods, in the apse of the late tenth and the early decades of the eleventh century; along the main aisle three bands by the same author, dated in the first half of the twelfth century; other frescoes depicting the Flagellation, San Fermo, the Visitation, the Nativity, the martyrdom of a saint. During the restoration works done in 1940, it was found an altar funeral in stone inscribed with a dedication to the goddess Leituria (identified with Diana) and the names of the consuls Lucius Lentulus and Caius Corneli Norbanus Flacco, in office in the year 38 BC; the altar was reused at the base of the pillar of the left towards the altar; other material of this precedent the temple is located in the wall of the façade of the fragments of the cornice, a stone slab with the figure of a horse, a part of a column.